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Step One: Click here to create a username and password
Step Two: Go to our sample course which contains e-learning exemplars from our NCEA co-requisite Literacy, Numeracy and Accounting courses.
(Please note you must have a username and password to login and access the Sample Course)
We cover the following standards for NCEA Literacy and Numeracy:-
(Please note you must have a username and password to login and access these courses)
Unit Standard 32403 NCEA Reading Level 1, 5 credits
Unit Standard 32405 NCEA Writing Level 1, 5 credits
Unit Standard 32406 NCEA Numeracy Level 1, 10 credits
Our courses are designed to consolidate learning, build confidence and ensure students have the knowledge they need to gain a good result in their assessments. We have lots of interactive activities, videos, quizzes - marked instantly - that scaffold the learning for students.
“If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you.
If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.”
Zig Ziglar